


Prevalence of and Risk Factors Associated with Metabolic Syndrome among Nurses




張朔衽(Shuo-Jen Chang);廖玟君(Wen-Chun Liao)


護理人員 ; 盛行率 ; 代謝症候群 ; nurses ; prevalence ; metabolic syndrome




34卷3期(2015 / 06 / 01)


268 - 285






Objectives: Nurses are at an especially high risk for metabolic syndrome (MS) because of their heavy workload and frequent rotating shifts. We investigated nurses' annual physical check-up data and distributed questionnaires regarding lifestyle and work patterns in order to identify the relationship between prevalence of MS indicators and nurses' lifestyles. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, nurses from a medical center in central Taiwan were recruited and 1,129 completed this study. The diagnostic criteria for MS were set by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan. Results: The prevalence of MS was 5.0%. Older nurses (OR=1.11), and those with a family history of MS (OR=1.93), a history of chronic diseases (OR=6.56), administrative work (OR=5.22) or fixed nightshifts (OR=14.15) had a higher risk of MS. Those who drank beverages with 88-175 grams of sugar per week had a higher risk of MS than those who drank beverages without sugar (OR= 3.81), and those who consumed fewer dairy products (0-1 cups / day) compared with those who consumed more (1.5-2 cups / day) had a lower risk of MS (OR = 0.32). Conclusions: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was associated with the type of shift work and pattern of diet, especially the night shift, sugary beverages, and dairy products in nurses who rotated shifts. Implications for physical check-ups and health management, shift policy and the eating environment are emphasized in our study.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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