


Profiling the patient flow for seeking healthcare in Taiwan: using gravity modeling to investigate the influences of travel distance and healthcare resources




林民浩(Min-Hau Lin);郭年真(Raymmond N. Kuo);陳威全(Benny Wei Chien Chin);溫在弘(Tzai-Hung Wen)


引力模式 ; 病人流動 ; 就醫距離 ; 醫療資源 ; 空間分析 ; gravity model ; patient flow ; travel distance ; health care resources ; spatial analysis




35卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


136 - 151






Objectives: Township-level physician-to-population and hospital bed-to-population ratios have been widely adopted as indicators of health care accessibility in Taiwan; however, these indicators cannot reflect actual healthcare-seeking behaviors of patients. Therefore, the aims of this study were to establish actual patient flow for seeking healthcare and to clarify the factors influencing preferences for seeking healthcare. Methods: We estimated the residence and collected the locations of healthcare visits for each patient from the nationwide Longitudinal Health Insurance Database in 2010 to establish an origin-destination matrix. The patient flow among townships could be conducted from the matrix. The weighted travel distance of healthcare visits was developed as a new indicator of accessibility. The gravity model was then used to analyze the patient flow and assess the influences of travel distance and healthcare resources. Results: Using the weighted travel distance, eastern Taiwan and the coastal areas of Yunlin and Chiayi were identified as the poorest accessibility for healthcare resources. The results of the gravity model showed that travel distance was the major factor correlated negatively with the volumes of outpatient and inpatient/emergency flow; however, the abundance of healthcare resources positively influenced the preference of inpatient/emergency patients from their residence to neighborhood regions for seeking healthcare. Conclusions: The weighted travel distance could properly reflect the access of healthcare. We conclude that travel distance is the major factor which influences patient flow for seeking healthcare. In contrast, people tend to choose the healthcare facilities with abundant resources for seeking inpatient/emergency healthcare.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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