


A study on masticatory ability and eating behaviors for preschool children in Taitung County, Taiwan




黃愫芬(Su-Fen Huang)


咀嚼能力 ; 進食行為 ; 咀嚼力判定口香糖 ; masticatory ability ; eating behaviours ; color-changeable chewing gum




36卷6期(2017 / 12 / 15)


589 - 602






Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the current status and factors related to the masticatory ability and eating behaviors of preschool children in Taitung County, Taiwan. Methods: The study subjects included 403 five-year-old preschool children in Taitung County, Taiwan. The study tools included a masticatory ability test (color-changeable chewing gum) and questionnaire on eating behaviors. All data obtained were analyzed using a chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: (1) Among the children studied, 22.83% had reduced masticatory ability. Further, 26.30% avoided eating chewy foods regularly. (2) The multiple logistic regression analysis indicated various eating behaviors that were associated with the poor masticatory ability of preschool children. These behaviors were never eating breakfast, having a snack daily, having particular food preferences, unable to chew food properly, eating quickly, regularly spitting out after chewing, usually keeping food in the mouth for a long time, preferring soft foods to hard foods, eating while watching television, and generally eating while drinking water (other beverages) or consuming soup. Conclusions: Almost one-quarter of the included preschool children had poor masticatory abilities. The masticatory ability of the preschool children correlated with their eating behaviors. Based on these results, it is recommended to change cooking methods or to provide harder foods and to promote the concepts of good oral hygiene and eating behaviors such as a balanced diet, no television while eating, and eating slowly.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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