


Perspectives on electronic medical records among new residents -applying Technology Continuance Theory






電子病歷 ; 醫療資訊系統 ; 科技持續理論 ; 知覺有用性 ; 知覺易用性 ; electronic medical records (EMR) ; health information systems ; Technology Continuance Theory (TCT) ; perceived usefulness ; perceived ease of use




37卷3期(2018 / 06 / 19)


254 - 264




目標:本研究欲瞭解台灣某醫學中心新進住院醫師在擔任實習醫師時使用電子病歷後,對電子病歷的認知、態度、持續使用意向,以加強對實習醫師和新進醫師在電子病歷上的教育和臨床訓練。方法:本研究以科技持續理論(Technology Continuance Theory, TCT)為基礎設計結構式問卷,調查某醫學中心2017年新進住院醫師對電子病歷之認知、態度、滿意度及持續使用之意向,使用複迴歸分析驗證變項間的相關性。結果:本研究共發出292份問卷,回收276份(回收率94%)。填答者中,男性占65%,平均24.3歲,265位(96.0%)在擔任實習醫師時曾使用過電子病歷。複迴歸分析結果顯示,和受訪醫師是否會持續使用電子病歷有關的因素包括知覺有用性(p<0.0001)、滿意度(p<0.01)、病歷書寫表現(p<0.0001)、書寫表現(p=0.01)。結論:新進住院醫師使用電子病歷和病歷書寫表現及學習表現具有正相關,且新進住院醫師對電子病歷之滿意度、態度及表現都和醫師持續使用電子病歷的意向呈現正相關。


Objectives: This research aimed to understand the cognition, attitude, and intention for continued use of electronic medical records (EMRs) among new residents following EMR use in their intern year at one medical center in Taiwan. As such, the goal of this study was to improve education and clinical training among interns and new residents who use EMRs. Methods: A structured questionnaire was constructed based on Technology Continuance Theory (TCT), which was used to investigate the cognition, attitude, satisfaction, and intention for continued use among physicians-in-training at a medical center in 2017. Regression analysis was used to analyze the relationships among variables. Results: A total of 292 sets of questionnaires were distributed, of which 276 were collected for a response rate of 94%. Males represented 65% of all respondents, with an average age of 24.3 years. Two hundred sixty-five residents (96%) stated that they used EMRs during their intern year. Regression analysis showed that the factors which affected intention to continue using EMRs among physicians are as follows: perceived usefulness (p<0.0001); satisfaction (p<0.01); medical records writing performance (p<0.0001); and learning performance (p=0.01). Conclusions: Using EMR was positively associated with medical record writing and overall learning performance among new physicians. In addition, resident satisfaction, performance, and attitude towards EMR were positively associated with an intention to continue using EMRs.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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