


New generation of quality report card design considerations - patient view of the tailored need for information






品質報告卡 ; 病人觀點 ; 公開資訊 ; 客製化 ; quality report card ; patient view ; disclosed information ; tailoring




37卷4期(2018 / 08 / 20)


366 - 374






Although the U.S. implemented the first quality report card in 1987, due to its ineffectiveness in 2010 the country began to reform and declare that disclosed information should be truly needed and easily understood by citizens. In contrast, quality report card system has been in effective for around 10 years in Taiwan, but the disclosure of information primarily focuses on professional and objective information. While this type of information is also important, it may not completely match the main reference information for choosing health care facilities. Hence, our article proposes a chain of successful report card design in which the first step is to tailor patients' need for information. We start from the framework of successful design and then in greater detail describe the importance of tailoring patients’ needed information along with some considerations of eliciting the information from the patients. We believe this format provides some pragmatic implications for authorities and can help scholars further advance related research.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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