Objectives: This study compared pregnancy intention and associated factors between women with and without children, using the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): Attitude toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control, in a sample of female nurses. Methods: Anonymous online survey data were collected from 20-40-year-old non-pregnant nurses working in a regional hospital in northern Taiwan (N=624). Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: Among childless nurses, their attitudinal evaluations of positive and negative behavioral outcomes (AOR=20.43 and 2.35, respectively), subjective norms (AOR=2.93-13.78), and perceived behavioral control under facilitating conditions (AOR=4.95) were significantly associated with their pregnancy intention. By contrast, among nurses who were already mothers, their attitudinal evaluations of positive behavioral outcomes (AOR=23.87–40.50), subjective norms (AOR=7.32), and perceived behavioral control under facilitating (AOR=0.16–0.12) and constraining (AOR=0.19) conditions were significantly related to their pregnancy intention. Conclusions: Pregnancy intention among childless nurses and those who were already mothers was differentially associated with the five TPB-based factors, both in terms of strength and direction of effect. To increase childless nurses' pregnancy intention, efforts should be made to foster their positive attitudes toward pregnancy, increase their perceived support from significant others, and provide facilitating conditions conducive to pregnancy. By contrast, for nurses who are already mothers, such initiatives should focus on emphasizing the positive outcomes of pregnancy, enhancing their perceived support from significant peers, and reducing the constraining conditions for pregnancy.
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