


Service measures of hospice care in nursing homes in Taiwan




龍紀萱(Chi-Hsuan Lung);李依臻(I-Jhen Lee)


護理之家 ; 安寧療護 ; 服務措施 ; nursing home ; hospice care ; care measures




37卷6期(2018 / 12 / 17)


638 - 650






Objectives: In Taiwan, the services currently available for terminally ill nursing home residents require further discussion. This study established service measures of hospice care in nursing homes for the reference of related units, facilities, and practicing professionals. Methods: Four focus group meetings were convened in Taiwan according to geographic location. Thirty-four practicing professionals from registered nursing homes with accreditation of A or higher by the Ministry of Health and Welfare attended the meetings. Results: The establishment of service measures of hospice care in nursing homes comprised 3 aspects, with a total of 12 measures: (1) resolving labor shortages (establishing caregiving teams within the facility, providing comprehensive education and training, and promoting interfacility teamwork and hospice care knowledge), (2) establishing an appropriate system (resolving problems concerning the issuing of death certificates and DNR promotion, incorporating related policies, and establishing designated areas for hospice care), and (3) confronting death (considering hospice admission, facilitating effective communication, implementing holistic health care, assisting in funeral affairs, and providing grief counseling). Conclusions: To facilitate the implementation of service measures for hospice care in nursing homes, the procedure should be started by considering the difficulties associated with implementation, followed by the evaluation of current resources, improvement of the system and human resources situation, and finally, addressing of the dilemma faced by the relevant policymakers, organizations, and personnel.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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