


The effectiveness of Taiwan's Horticulture Aid Project and its impact on people's fruit and vegetable intake in Kiribati




鄭晏宗(Yan-Tzong Cheng);曾筠凊(Yun-Ching Tseng);楊文山(Wen-Shan Yang)


國合會 ; 計畫評核 ; 援外計畫 ; 反事實分析法 ; 傾向分數配對法 ; TaiwanICDF ; evaluation ; aid project ; counterfactual analysis ; propensity score matching




38卷3期(2019 / 06 / 21)


265 - 279




目標:本文旨在探討臺灣的政府開發援助藉由園藝類型計畫介入之成效,亦以實證方式說明臺灣的援外計畫之具體效果。方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,採準實驗設計,並選取計畫參與家戶與非計畫參與家戶以符合實驗組與控制組之實驗設計。資料收集主要係以自編結構式問卷蒐集受訪者資料,資料分析則以受訪家戶之蔬果攝取量探討計畫介入成效,並運用反事實分析法控制受訪者社經背景,降低選樣誤差,以確認研究變項之因果關係。結果:本研究共計回收171份有效問卷,其中包括63計畫參與家戶與108非計畫參與家戶。受訪家戶平均每戶每日蔬果攝取量為2.42份(SD=5.07、Median=2),計畫參與家戶之「每戶每日蔬果攝取量」較非計畫參與家戶高出0.89份(p<.05)。迴歸分析的結果亦顯示,「是否參與計畫」為每戶每日蔬果量之影響因素(p<.05)。本研究以傾向分數配對法(Propensity Score Matching,PSM)執行反事實分析,結果顯示,即使控制了樣本的背景因素,是否參與計畫仍然對蔬果攝取存在積極作用。結論:受評計畫符合計畫改變理論,且確實影響吉國蔬果飲食行為。


Objectives: To explore the Taiwanese government's development aid and aid effectiveness of the horticulture project's intervention and use evidence-based approach to prove the effects of the Taiwanese aid project. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study with a quasi-experimental design and mixed methods. In order to comply with the framework of quasi-experimental design, we selected and assigned participants (using household as a unit) of the projects to the experimental group and non-participants to the control group. As for data collection in the field, we collected data through a structured questionnaire. We used the vegetable and fruit intake of the interviewees to explore the effectiveness of the project's intervention. Also, we used counterfactual analysis to reduce the selection bias to confirm the causal relationship. Results: A total of 117 valid questionnaires were collected, including 63 participants and 108 nonparticipants. The average household consumption of vegetables and fruits is 2.42 units (SD=5.07, Median=2). Comparing project participants with non-participants, consumption of vegetables and fruits of the participants is 0.89 units higher than non-participants (p<. 05). Results from regression analysis indicate that participation in the project significantly affects consumption of vegetables and fruits (p<. 05). The counterfactual analysis shows that even when controlling the background factors, participation in the project still affects vegetable and fruit intake. Conclusions: The project is in line with the theory of change and there are statistically significant intervention effects on fruit and vegetable intake.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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