


Rethinking health right for the underprivileged people from the infectious disease prevention and control perspective




陳再晉(Tzay-Jinn Chen);鐘珮純(Pei-Chunn Chung);陳冠文(Kuan-Wen Chen)




41卷3期(2022 / 06 / 29)


270 - 275



主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
  1. 今週刊:外籍黑工賺得比台勞多!產業大缺工,月領5萬不用繳稅她老實說:「不賺才奇怪!」。https://reurl.cc/Zr1Kk6。引用2022/01/11。 Business Today. Undocumented migrant workers earn higher salaries than local workers! Labor shortage in industries allow migrant workers to earn a monthly income of NTD50,000 without paying taxes. A female worker admits, “It’s impossible to not make money!”. Available at: https://reurl.cc/Zr1Kk6. Assessed January 11, 2022. [In Chinese]
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  6. 內政部移民署:逾期停(居)留外來人口安心接種COVID-19公費疫苗專案。https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7229/7238/288156/。引用2022/01/11。 National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan). Publicly funded the COVID-19 vaccination project for foreigners overstaying their residence or tourist visas. Available at: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7229/7238/288156/. Assessed January 11, 2022. [In Chinese]
  7. 台北市政府社會局:加強萬華艋舺公園周圍疫情感控市府協助疑似症狀或疫調足跡接觸的街友採檢。https://dosw.gov.taipei/News_Content.aspx?n=6CA16D3397A7A302&s=D40600CE8B9EA164。引用2022/01/13。 Department of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government. To reinforce pandemic control in the neighboring area of Bangka Park, the government assists with the screening test and contract tracing of homeless people with suspected COVID-19 symptoms. Available at: https://dosw.gov.taipei/News_Content.aspx?n=6CA16D3397A7A302&s=D40600CE8B9EA164. Assessed January 13, 2022. [In Chinese]
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