


Quality of life and well-being among residents of psychiatric nursing homes




洪宜惠(I-Hui Hung);王美嬅(Mei-Hua Wang)


精神護理之家 ; 住民 ; 生活品質 ; 幸福感 ; psychiatric nursing home ; residents ; quality of life ; well-being




42卷2期(2023 / 04 / 28)


202 - 213




目標:慢性精神病患常因功能缺失及生活適應問題而影響其生活品質與幸福感,他們需要親人、機構或社區資源來幫忙照顧,本研究旨在探討精神護理之家住民生活品質與幸福感的關係。方法:採橫斷式問卷調查法。以高屏地區五所精神護理之家住民為研究對象,研究工具包括:個人基本資料、生活品質量表及幸福感量表三部分,完成訪談之有效問卷共150份。結果:精神護理之家住民生活品質的整體總分介於53至122分(M ± SD = 89.41 ± 15.87)。幸福感的整體總分介於0至46分(M ± SD = 23.66 ± 10.16)。幸福感的重要影響因素為整體生活品質與宗教信仰。結論:本研究結果可提供國內精神病患長照機構之工作人員做為未來提升住民生活品質與幸福感介入之參考。


Objectives: Quality of life and well-being among patients with chronic mental illness are affected by deficits in functional abilities and difficulties with adjusting to everyday life. Patients benefit from support provided by relatives, institutions, and communal resources. This study explored quality of life and well-being among residents of psychiatric nursing homes. Methods: This cross-sectional study administered a questionnaire to residents of five psychiatric nursing homes in Kaohsiung city and the Pingtung area. Results from 150 valid questionnaires with three parts (personal information, quality of life scale, and well-being scale) were analyzed. Results: Mean overall quality of life scores were 89.41 ± 15.87 (range 53-122). Mean overall scores were 23.66 ± 10.16 (range 0-46). Well-being was influenced by overall quality of life and religious beliefs. Conclusions: The findings of this study can be used by the staff of long-term care institutions for patients with mental illness to help guide interventions and improve quality of life and well-being among residents.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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