


A Study of Land Rent Theories Section 1




林英彥(Ying-Yan Lin)


差額地租 ; 絕對地租 ; 獨佔地租 ; 礦山地租 ; differential rent ; absolute rent ; monopolistic rent ; rent in mining




23期(2012 / 07 / 01)


113 - 170




國內尚無一本有關地租學說的專著,為此我想盡其所能,撰寫二十位左右名家的地租理論,然後彙集成一本「地租學說之研究」,無奈寫好亞當.斯密、馬爾薩斯、李嘉圖與馬克思之學說以後卻病倒了,後續不知何時才能繼續執筆,只好暫且將上列幾名之地租學說先行發表,其他學者部分只得等待日後再來執筆。本文分成亞當.斯密、馬爾薩斯、李嘉圖與馬克思之地租學說四部分:壹、亞當.斯密之地租學說,包括:一、亞當.斯密之生平簡介;二、亞當.斯密之地租學說及三、對亞當.斯密地租論之批評。貳、馬爾薩斯之地租學說,包括:一、馬爾薩斯之生平;二、馬爾薩斯的時代與人口論的關係;三、馬爾薩斯之地租學說;四、對馬爾薩斯地租學說之批評及五、馬爾薩斯與李嘉圖對穀物條例之爭論。參、李嘉圖之地租學說,包括:一、李嘉圖生平簡介;二、李嘉圖的地租學說;三、李嘉圖地租論在經濟思想史上的意義;四、李嘉圖地租學說的檢討;五、李嘉圖的礦山地租及六、李嘉圖與馬爾薩斯的地租爭論。肆、馬克斯之地租學說,包括: 一、馬克思之生平簡介;二、馬克思之地租學說,此部分包括(一)導論、(二)地租的定義、(三)差額第租、(四)絕對地租、(五)宅地地租與礦山地租;三、對馬克思地租學說之批判及四、馬克思地租學說之貢獻。


Currently there isn't any book specially discuss the Rent matter domestically. For that reason, I thought I would try to analyze and consolidate the theories of Rent from twenty or more internationally known experts into a book named ”A Study of Land Rent Theories”. However, due to my health reason I don't know whether I would be able to continue the work as I originally planned. Therefore, I decided to just publish the study I have completed in Adam Smith, Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo and Karl Heinrich Marx and leave the rest of them for the future.This essay includes four parts; Part I - The Theory of Rent by Adam Smith, Part II -The Theory of Rent by Thomas Robert Malthus, Part III - The Theory of Rent by David Ricardo and Part IV - The Theory of Rent by Karl Heinrich Marx.Part I includes 1) a brief introduction of Adam Smith; 2) Adam Smith's theory of Rent; 3) the criticisms of Adam Smith's theory of Rent. Part II includes 1) a brief introduction of Thomas Robert Malthus; 2) the relevance of Thomas Robert Malthus's period and an essay on the Principles of Population; 3) Thomas Robert Malthus's theory of Rent; 4) the criticisms of Thomas Robert Malthus's theory of Rent; 5) the controversy of the Com Laws between Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo. Part III includes 1) a brief introduction of David Ricardo; 2) David Ricardo's theory of Rent; 3) the influences of David Ricardo's theory of Rent to the economy development; 4) the analysis and discussion of David Ricardo's theory of Rent; 5) David Ricardo's theory of rent in mining; and 6) the controversy in the theory of rent between David Ricardo and Malthus. Part IV includes 1) a brief introduction of Karl Heinrich Marx; 2) Karl Heinrich Marx's theory of Rent; 3) the criticisms of Karl Heinrich Marx's theory of Rent; and 4) the contributions of Karl Heinrich Marx's theory of Rent.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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