题名 |
「米糖為中心」之台灣農地利用探討(1901-1942) |
并列篇名 |
Discussion of the Taiwan Farmland Utilization Base on "The Main Products of Paddy Rice and Sugar Cane Planting" (1901-1942) |
10.29605/YYWYLL.201207.0002 |
作者 |
周茂春(Mao-Chun Chou) |
关键词 |
農地利用 ; 稻作 ; 甘蔗種植 ; farmland utilization ; pad rice planting ; sugar cane planting |
期刊名称 |
土地經濟年刊 |
卷期/出版年月 |
23期(2012 / 07 / 01) |
页次 |
36 - 72 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
日人領台之後,將統治台灣策略定為「工業日本,農業台灣」,讓台灣成為日本國內糧食及原料供應地,同時作為日本工業產品消費地,厚植日本經濟實力。1898年兒玉源太郎到台灣擔任台灣總督後,在後藤新平民政長官輔佐下,全力發展農業。兒玉並於901年親自在總督府召集高階官員、各縣、知事、各廳廳長、各地庄、街長及台灣士紳,會商台灣「殖產興業」方向,指示以「米、糖」興革作為農業發展主軸,農地利用以栽培甘蔗、稻米為主,改良米種,引進並獎勵大型製糖廠之設立營運,全力進行農業建設。直到1936年後,台灣又被定位為南侵基地,經濟發展方針也改為「工業化、南進基地化」,全力朝工業發展,爾後工業總生產值雖超越農業,但農業仍持續成長。1937年七七事變後,台灣進入戰時經濟統制體制,修正糖業獨霸舊心態,鼓勵農地利用朝多角化經營,全面獎勵棉花、黃麻、小麥、花生、鳳梨、柑橘、蔬菜等農作物栽培,台灣農地利用形態更加混雜。本文依據歷史文獻及統計資料就土地經濟學理論及土地利用基本原則,以「米、糖」為農業生產中心,加以分析探討之結果:台灣稻作面積持續擴大,耕種面積由1896年之25.5萬甲擴張到1932年之68.6甲、稻米總產量由157萬石倍增到895萬石,在統治後期,蓬萊米栽種面積與產量更遙遙領先原有的在來米,且大部份輸往日本供國內消費。糖業方面,由於受到天災、國際糖價波動、及政策更送影響,栽種面積與產量均呈激烈波動現象。甘蔗栽植面積由1909年的6.4萬甲擴充到1916年的13萬甲,最後又退縮到1944年之3.9萬甲。甘蔗總產量亦由34萬噸(1909年)倍增到76萬噸(1916年),然後又衰退到32.7萬噸(1944年)。全島耕作總面積則由統治初期(1904年)之619,287甲到1942年(統治末期)之886,118甲,在這50年間,總督府獎勵開墾荒地,興修水利灌溉設施,致全島增加了26萬多甲耕地。對台灣生產總值、政府稅收,頗有裨益。綜觀日治時期之農地利用,經探討分析後,發現其利用合於土地利用原則,且提升現代化農業技術,提高農業所得,其立台灣工業化基礎,對爾後台灣之經濟發展有所貢獻。 |
英文摘要 |
After the occupation of Taiwan, Japan decided to implement an economic policy of ”industrial Japan, agricultural Taiwan” to enable Taiwan as the supplier of grain and agricultural material as well as the market of industrial products of Japan. As a result, this policy had enhanced Japanese economy further. In 1989, Gentarou Kodama, the Governor of Taiwan, with the assistance of Shinpei Dotou, the senior official of Civil Administration, began focusing on the development of agriculture. In 1901, Ganarou Kodama assembled a meeting of higher government officials, county magistrates, department chiefs, and social leaders to set the direction of ”increasing production and promoting of economics.” He instructed the reforms of paddy rice and sugar cane to be the main focus of agriculture development, and the utilization of farmland to be primary for sugar cane and rice. He promoted the improvement of rice kind and introduced and rewarded the establishment of large scale sugar refinery business. He had devoted his energy entirely in the agricultural development.From 1936 on, due to the advantageous location, Taiwan had been developed as a base for Japan to invade South Asia. The policy of economic development had also been changed to ”industrialization-the southbound base”. The industrialization became as the first priority of all. Although the total value of industrial products had exceeded that of agricultural products, the agriculture had continued to develop and grow. In 1937, after the 77 incidence, Taiwan had entered into the system of wartime economy control. The authority had reset its sugar primary view to encourage the use of farmland to supply variety of crops such as cotton, jute, wheat, peanut, pineapple, orange fruits, vegetables, etc.; therefore, the utilization of Taiwan farmland had become more promiscuous. |
主题分类 |
基礎與應用科學 >
永續發展研究 社會科學 > 經濟學 |
参考文献 |