


Reflections of Citizen Participation in Taiwan's Science Park Development


郭秀裕(Hsin-Yu Kuo);徐世榮(Shih-Jung Hsu);吳宗鴻(sung-Hun Wu)


民眾參與 ; 科學園區 ; 風險溝通 ; 公共政策 ; 公共利益 ; citizen participation ; science park ; risk communication ; public policy ; public interest




28期(2017 / 07 / 01)


68 - 105






Citizen participation (CP) is crucial in the decision making of public policy since it not only protects public interest but also enhances the legitimacy of public policy. This is particularly true in the development project of science park launched by the Taiwan government. The paper inquires what kinds of CP problems took place within those three major policy stages --- initial of the developmental project, environmental impact assessment of the development project, and approval of the developmental project? What kinds of participation do citizens have? Can they have full participation? Unfortunately, the paper argues that the public cannot freely and completely participate in those aforementioned three stages of science park development. Rather, the public can only participate in the internal meetings held by different governmental departments. This form of CP fails to establish an effective channel of communication between the public and the government but instead, widens communication gap and enlarges mutual distrust. In addition, CP becomes useless because the Executive Yuan usually approves the developmental project of science park in advance. We hereby recommend the competent authorities of science parks to review the overall CP regulations in the three project developmental stages and to formulate a suitable CP approach. Project approval hearings that consolidate authorities are effective means to resolve the aforementioned problems. Compared with existing CP regulations, the proposed approach suggested by the paper can more effectively initiate a constructive dialogue between the public and the government, and to prevent the administrative authorities from making wrong decisions. It can also minimize citizens' protests against the developmental project.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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