


The investigation of Agricultural land management scale in Taiwan -Declaration of Conflicting Interests of Farmland properties in the contested countryside vs. traditional agriculture countryside in the empirical analysis-


莊谷中(Chuang, Ku-Chung)


農業經營規模 ; 農地細分 ; 農地租賃 ; Scale of agricultural operations ; Agricultural land segmentation ; Farmland leasing




30期(2019 / 07 / 01)


1 - 63






The purpose of this article to review the evidence of reality farmland in Taiwan regarding to its issues of property segmentation, scrappy, the agricultural land area by farmers, the small average size, the age of farmers, the low agriculture income without livelihood and the difficulties of agricultural management. The article begins comparative analysis of empirical study with respect to conflict between the contested countryside, Lun Ya Village, and the traditional agriculture countryside, Chaoyang Village. This article describes and discusses based on the reality of agricultural land management scale. The investigation found out the term of agri-land for agricultural usages to utilize by simple farming or complex farming, no matter the property itself showed property segmentation or scrappy agricultural land belongs to farmers. The consensus of cognition among farmers is unquestionable. The average size of farmland ownership in the empirical village is 0.2-0.3 hectare. The average size of farmland ownership in the empirical village is 0.2-0.3 hectare. However, those unwilling operating farmers release their farming right by the oral farming lease or gratuitous farming to continue the agriculture cycles in the reality. In sum, the averages of real farming scale include their own farmland and others are 3.5 hectare for those willing operating farmers. In fact, the average cultivated area has expanded four times by population of farmer since 1953.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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