


Application of Spatial Autocorrelation to the Field Survey of Land Value Tax in Hualien County


李郭賢甄(Hsien-Chen Li Kuo);詹進發(Jihn-Fa Jan)


地理資訊系統 ; 全域型空間自相關 ; 區域型空間自相關 ; Geographic information Systems ; Global Spatial Autocorrelation ; Local Spatial Autocorrelation




33期(2022 / 07 / 01)


49 - 72






The geographical shape of Hualien County is long and narrow. Due to limited resources, field inventory of property and land for taxation is indeed a very difficult task. This study used information technology tools such as geographic information system and spatial analysis to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. Using Hualien County as a representative model, we hope to provide a reference to the Ministry of Finance and local tax bureaus of other counties. This research aims to find more important areas for inventory operation by applying spatial autocorrelation analysis to verify the existence of clustering phenomena and the distribution of hot areas, high and low areas. Using the taxation cases of land value tax in village districts for analysis, the results show that the main region includes part of Hualien City and adjacent area of Ji'an Township, which shows a phenomenon of outward expansion, and for some years the clustering phenomenon shows 2 or more hot zones. Furthermore, we performed spatial autocorrelation analysis on the groups of "village area-headquarter" and "village area-sub-bureau" to find out the hot zones of the group of "village area-sub-bureau". The field inventory will start with lands having large area so that more taxes can be collected. Then it gradually expand outward to inventory the peripheral areas of the city center.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
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