


From Identity to Entrepreneurship: The dynamic Processes of Entrepreneurs




林家五(Chia-Wu Lin);黃國隆(Kuo-Long Huang);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)


創業家 ; 釋意 ; 認同 ; 質化研究 ; 動態歷程 ; Entrepreneur ; sensemaking ; identity ; qualitative research ; and dynamic process




12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


337 - 397




早期對於創業的研究焦點大都放在分析創業家的「特質」或「分類」上,缺乏理解創業行為之互動、動態的觀念性架構。Weick所提出的釋意(sensemaking)概念正好可以用來理解創業家如何建構環境,形成詮釋,並產生行動的歷程。因此,本研究嘗試建立一個動態的創業歷程模式,研究者共對五位創業家進行半結構式的深度訪談,並且以類別與主題分析進行主要論述抽取,最後則採用格式塔式領域分析來建立一般性模式。 研究者先分析每位創業家釋意歷程中各要素的內容、關係與出現順序。最後,歸納出九項新命題與創業家一般化釋意歷程。簡單來說,創業家的任何行動,策略規劃、環境詮釋、市場開發、管理與領導行為都以身份認同為中心,此認同會進一步影響創業家對內、外環境脈絡的詮釋,詮釋的方向則會進一步產生具體的行動。不僅如此,創業家還會針對行動產生承諾性詮釋,用以聚焦或強化其創業理念,經營目標與對生活意義。研究者最後並與Weick, March, Mitroff和Kilmann等人的相關論點進行理論性的對話。


In the past decade, most of the entrepreneur research usually focused on the typology of entrepreneur or tried to find out what kind of the trait entrepreneur have. There was no dynamic, interactive conceptual framework to understand entrepreneur processes. The sensmaking process which was by Karl Weick, is one suitable framework for understand how the entrepreneur make sense of their environment, and how they response. We interview 5 entrepreneurs, and then construct their sensemaking process, deploy the basic elements and their relationship. Finally, we propose one generic framework of entrepreneur sensemaking process and 9 new propositions. In this model, most entrepreneurs' thinking, strategic actions, management and leadership, all center on one's identity. Besides this finding, we also find that entrepreneurs will offer strongly committed interpretations to justify their vision, mission or life meanings. In the end, we make a theoretical dialog with some constructs of Weick, March and Mitroff & Kilmann.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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