


The Relationship between Social Supports and Life Satisfaction for Elderly in Kaohsiung




葉淑娟(Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh);施智婷(Chih-Ting Shih);莊智薰(Chih-Hsun Chuang);蔡淑鳳(Shwu-Feng Tsay)


老人 ; 社會支持 ; 生活滿意度 ; 日常生活活動 ; 工具性日常生活活動 ; elderly people ; social support ; life satisfaction ; activities of daily living ADL ; institutional activities of daily living IADL




12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


399 - 427




本研究檢查老人身體功能狀況與其生活滿意度的關係,並進而探討在控制身體功能狀態後,社會支持系統是否會對老人生活滿意度產生影響,並檢驗工具性與情感性社會支持對提高生活滿意度的相對重要性。研究中使用的資料為高雄市衛生局於2000年所進行之「高雄市老人衛生福利服務供需調查」,以65歲以上的老人為調查對象,經過簡式心智狀況評估問卷(Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire)篩選樣本後共計4,894份具代表性之有效樣本。本研究結果發現,在控制身體功能狀況後,社會支持系統對老人生活滿意度有正向影響;情感性社會支持較工具性社會支持對於老人的生活滿意度更具解釋力與影響力。面對台灣逐年增加的老年人口與獨居老人,政府相關單位應儘早針對精神層面的情感性社會支持系統與居住安排的設計,進行政策上的規劃並提供協助,以確保未來台灣老人的生活品質。


This study investigated the effect of social support on life satisfaction among elderly population after controlling functional status and socioeconomic factors. In addition, we also examined the relative effect of instrumental and emotional social support on life satisfaction. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data from 4,894 elders. We used hierarchical regression to analyze the hypotheses and attain the purposes of this study. Our results indicate that controlling functional status, the social support is a strong and positive predictor of life satisfaction. Particularly, emotional social support explains larger proportion of variance than instrumental social support does. This study concludes that older adults should live with their families and friends to enhance their social interactions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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