


Opportunistic Behavior Analysis-Effects of Value Gap, Information Gap, and Potential Punishment Power




司徒達賢(Dah-Hsian Seetoo);熊欣華(Hsin-Hua Hsiung)


投機行為 ; 價值差距 ; 資訊差距 ; 潛在懲罰力 ; Opportunistic Behavior ; Value Gap ; Information Gap ; Potential Punishment Power




12卷4期(2004 / 12 / 01)


675 - 707






Researches and studies have long regarded opportunism to be a significant concept in transaction cost perspective. However, further thought suggests that the traditional transaction cost perspective is insufficient in dealing with this complicated concept. After coming up with a combination of other perspectives, this research proposes the VIP Model, which integrates the factors that might affect opportunistic behavior. There are three core constructs in the VIP Model: value gap, information gap, and potential punishment power. The larger the value gap and information gap get between transaction parties, the higher the probability the firm perceives the occurring of opportunistic behavior of its transaction partner. On the other hand, the greater the potential punishment power the firm possesses, the lower the probability of its partner's opportunistic behavior. Literatures have identified many factors that influence opportunistic behavior, and since the VIP Model classifies them in a systematic and logical manner (including technical, economic, social, environmental, and managerial factors), it helps to get a better understanding of the roles of each of the factors. As for the management of opportunistic behavior, this study proposes that the firm consider the probability of opportunistic behavior, the cost of management, and related economic benefits at the same time, before they manage transactions on appropriate levels.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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