


The Research of Model Construction Affecting Use Intention in e-Learning Market-Application of Fuzzy-Neural Network Method




林文寶(Wen-Bao Lin);楊淑斐(Shu-Fei Yang)


線上學習 ; 計劃行為理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; 使用意向 ; 模糊類神經網路 ; Electronic Learning e-Learning ; Theory of Planned Behavior TPB ; Technology Acceptance Model TAM ; Use Intention ; Fuzzy-Neural Network




13卷3期(2005 / 09 / 01)


721 - 748






The major purpose of the study is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Decomposition TPB(DTPB) and integrate Model with Fuzzy-Neural method by this study as basis to construct user e-Learning intention causal model. Then, we retrieve 300 valid samples to examine model whether or not suitable for e-Learning market, compare the goodness of fit of hypothesis, establish the use intention of e-Learning market and analysis the causal relationship by Structure Equation Model (SEM). By implementing above analysis, the findings and result yield out of the study are obtained as the followings: 1. Latent user e-Learning ”use intention” have significant positive effect by ”marketing mixes”, ”use motive”, ”attitude” and negative effect by ”perceptive risk” and ”perceived usefulness”. 2. Latent user e-Learning ”attitude” have significant positive effect by ””perceived usefulness” and ”perceived easy of use” and negative effect by. ”perceptive risk”. 3. Latent user e-Learning ”behavior control” have significant positive effect by ”marketing mix” and negative effect by ”perceptive risk”. 4. Latent user e-Learning ”perceived easy of use” have significant positive effect by ”use motive” and negative effect by ”perceptive risk”. 5. Latent user e-Learning ”perceived usefulness” have effect by ”marketing mixes”, ”use motive”. 6. ”Marketing mixes” have significant positive effects on latent user e-Learning ”use motive”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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