


Business Entrepreneurship and Growth: A Comparative Case Study




洪世章(Shih-Chang Hung);蔡碧鳳(Bih-Feng Tsai)


興業精神 ; 策略興業 ; 比較個案研究 ; entrepreneurship ; strategic entrepreneurship ; comparative case study




14卷1期(2006 / 03 / 01)


79 - 117






Drawing on the entrepreneurship and strategy literature, this paper develops an alternative framework for analyzing strategic entrepreneurship process. Three dimensions are emphasized: opportunity identification, resource exploitation and asset accumulation. The paper argues strategic entrepreneurship as a cumulative, evolutionary process begins with opportunity identification which involves environment scanning and industry awareness. Resource-exploitation behavior follows and, under conditions of liabilities of smallness and newness, entrepreneurs usually mobilize external context of resources to capitalize on potentially technological and commercial opportunities. This entrepreneurial behavior is path dependent, implying that entrepreneurship is shaped by organizational asset and capability that are evolved and accumulative over time. With the proposed framework in mind, the paper adopts a comparative case study methodology to analyze the strategic entrepreneurship process in four Taiwanese firms-Acer, Mitac, UMC and TSMC. This paper concludes by discussing implications for theory, practice and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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