


The Study of Organizational Factors on the Performance of Cross Function Team in Research Institutes




耿筠(Yun Ken);謝立詩(Li-Shih Hsieh)


跨功能團隊 ; 績效 ; 研究機構 ; 組織行為 ; Cross function team ; Performance ; Research institute ; Organization behavior




14卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


339 - 366






Cross function team is a group constructed by people from two or more departments. Such team is very important for executing a project that needs various experts, especially in research institute. The performance of cross function and its influential factors are reviewed in literature, operational definitions, hypothesis establishment, and steps of empirical study are followed. There are three relations in the proposed model: first, the factors constructed from establishment will influence the team behavior; second, the factors constructed from initiation will also influence the team behavior and moderate the strength of relation between establishment and team behavior; and third, the factors constructed from team behavior will influence the team performance. Based on the result of data analysis and high

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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