


Effects of Information Distribution and Interaction Types on Group Consensus and Performance




李怡穎(Yi-In Lee);楊仁壽(Jen-Shou Yang)


資訊型態 ; 互動方式 ; 團隊共識 ; 決策績效 ; 因果複雜問題 ; Information distribution ; interaction types ; group consensus ; decision performance ; cause-effect complexity




14卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


367 - 395






This study examined the effects of information distribution and group interaction types on group consensus and performance in a complex cause-effect decision-making task involving a laboratory experiment. This study examined two levels of information distribution types, namely unique/incomplete and common/complete. The two levels of group interaction types included information sharing via listening and information sharing via inquiry. Meanwhile, the dependent variables included group consensus and group decision performance. The experimental results' here indicated that information distribution types influenced group decision performance in situations where common/complete groups outperformed unique/incomplete groups. Group interaction types influenced the increase in consensus following group interaction in situations where inquiry groups outperformed listening groups. Regarding the effects of interaction between two independent variables, the superiority of inquiry compared to listening on decision performance occurred only in the situation of common/complete information. When groups interacted via listening, more subjects changed their judgments under the incomplete information situation than under the complete information situation. Finally, this study discussed theoretical and practical implications of group information processing and organization learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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