


The Effect of Affective States and the Delays at Different Phases of a Service Delivery on the Perceived Waiting Time




周逸衡(Jacob Y.H. Jou);黃毓瑩(Yu-Ying Huang);陳華寧(Hua-Ning Chen);楊俊明(Jun-Ming Yang)


情緒類別 ; 等待發生時點 ; 等待時間知覺 ; 實驗室實驗法 ; Affective state ; Delayed stage ; Waiting time perception ; Laboratory expeirment




14卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


487 - 516






Waiting, for customers, is usually treated as a negative service experience, and most service providers aim to reduce customer's actual waiting time during service delivery. However, in reality, customers react based on their subjective waiting time perception rather than the actual one. So it is important and beneficial for service providers to understand customer's waiting time perception. This study conducted a laboratory experiment and manipulated two factors: subjects' affective state and different delayed stage during service delivery, and explored their relationships with waiting time perception. We also examined two possible moderators: time style and personal imvlovement. The results revealed several important findings First, comparing with subjects under negative affective state, those under positive affective state have shorter waiting time perception. Second, while the delayed stage is far from the core service, subjects will have longer waiting time perception. Comparing with the delayed stage near the core service, subjects will have stronger affective responses while the delayed stage is far from core service. Third, qualitative-time-styled subjects have longer waiting time perception, and quatatitative-time-styled subjects have stronger positive affect. Finally, subjects' personal involvement has positive moerating effect on the waiting time perception and negative affective responses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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