


An Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Banking Managers' Perception on the Managerial Competency Assessment System




林文政(Wen-Jeng Lin);鄧國宏(Kuo-Hung Teng);劉麗華(Li-Hwa Liu)


職能 ; 管理職能 ; 職能評鑑 ; 360度回饋 ; 銀行 ; competency ; managerial competency ; competency assessment ; 360-degree feedback ; banking




14卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


713 - 750




本研究是由兩項單獨但具連續性的研究所組成,研究一為主管管理職能評鑑量表的建立,研究二為檢測受評者對職能評鑑的態度。研究一是針對一家銀行建立主管管理職能評鑑量表,有效回收問卷共685份,量表中建構出五個職能群組:領導群組、人際群組、專業群組、認知群組、以及規劃群組,八十一個職能題項,量表信、效度檢測結果顯示各分量表內部一致性係數(信度)介於.95~.96之間,而效度係數則介於.41~.51之間。研究二是依據研究一所發展的主管管理職能評鑑量表,針對該銀行的科長級以上主管進行三百六十度管理職能評鑑,經實際評鑑並給予回饋後,進行受評者態度的施測與檢驗。研究二的對象包含102組樣本共計510人(102組×5人)參與。研究結果顯示,評鑑者的評鑑能力與受評者自我肯定,是影響受評者接受職能評鑑結果與評鑑制影響銀行主管管理職能評鑑認知因素的探索研究。 度最重要的因素。整體而言,當受評者愈相信評鑑他的主管與部屬有評鑑的相關知識與能力,以及愈高度的自我肯定時,受評者對職能評鑑的結果與職能評鑑制度愈有正面的態度。然而,自他評的差異對受評者的態度沒有影響。銀行主管管理職能評鑑對研究與實務的意函將一併討論。


This study is composed of two separate but consecutive studies. Study I established managerial competency assessment inventory; and study II investigated ratees' attitude toward the managerial competency assessment. In study Ⅰ, a competency assessment inventory was established in a sample of 685 managers and employees. The results suggest a banking managerial competency model with five groups: leadership, human relations, expertise, cognition, and planning. The 81-item Banking Managerial Competency Inventory displayed Cronbach alpha coefficients ranging from .95 to .96 and validity coefficients ranging from. 41 to. 51. Study Ⅱ examined the factors affecting ratees' perception on the implementation of 360-degree managerial competency assessment that was based on the results of Study Ⅰ. Five hundred and ten participants (102 sets × 5 ratees) involved in a 360-degree competency assessment and feedback program. One hundred and two managers assessed their own managerial competencies and were also assessed by two subordinates, one peer, and one boss. The results indicated that raters’ assessment ability and ratees' self-esteem had significant effects on ratees' acceptance of 360-degree competency assessment outcomes and system itself. In general, the higher assessment ability the raters have, and the higher self-esteem ratees are; the more acceptances of 360-degree competency assessment outcomes and system ratees do. However, self-other assessment agreement had no effect on ratees' attitude toward the implementation of 360-degree managerial competency assessment. Implications for research and practice banking managerial competency assessment are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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