


The Developments of E-Commerce Business Model and Operational Strategies from Experience Economy Perspective




盧希鵬(Hsi-Peng Lu);林娟娟(Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin);許晉龍(Chin-Lung Hsu);李明仁(Ming-Ren Lee)


經驗經濟 ; 電子商務 ; 經營模式 ; experience economy ; e-commerce ; business model




14卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


847 - 880




近幾年網際網路廣泛應用於商業上,電子商務之經營模式也因此受到企業經營者重視。由於網際網路跨域、全時以及互動的特質,改變了以往的行銷經營模式,如何培養顧客個人對產品/服務的主觀體驗,已是企業決定成敗的重要因素之一。本研究以經驗經濟學的角度,進行一探索性調查,來探討「以人為本」的電子商務經營模式。建議網站經營者除了重視交易流程與獲利模式外,尚須考量網友的經驗營造。 本研究提出三層次經驗模式以解釋網站使用者的交易意願,並透過經由國內各大學14位教授及6位研究生之參與,針對e-Oscar網站票選活動所選出的141個以消費者為終端客戶的電子商務網站進行評價,實證本研究所提出之經驗經營模式。為更進一步探討網站類別在經驗形成時是否有其差異性,本研究進一步分析e21金網獎與e-Oscar網站票選共計十二個成功網站個案,針對三層次的經驗營造進行分析,並深入探究成功關鍵因素,以供業界在經營網站時參考。 研究結果顯示,使用者來網站瀏覽,並重覆光顧此網站,以及產生與網站交易的意願,皆受到經驗創造、經驗學習與經驗鎖定的影響,且其解釋能力均在70%左右。此外,不同類型的網站應強調不同的使用者上網經驗,以滿足其需求。因此,不同類型網站在經驗創造、經驗學習與經驗鎖定的過程中,似應有不同的經營方法與重點。本研究以國內兩次大型網站評比活動為研究範疇,進行探索性調查,所得之結果,應能對網站的經驗營造與經營方法有更進一步的瞭解。


The increasing popularity of Internet use has resulted enormous growth in Electronic Commerce. Its global, interactive, and 24/7 characteristics have also made tremendous impact on the traditional marketing methods. In addition to offering quality goods/services, business needs to put emphasis on the creation as well as retention of customer experiences. In this exploratory study, an EEE experience model, based on the experience economy and the special characteristic of the Internet, was proposed and tested to provide a better knowledge of the above issue. The results of this exploratory study were based on two major Internet surveys, namely e-Oscar and e21 Golden-Net Award Contest. 14 professors who specialized in EC management from various universities in Taiwan and 6 graduate students of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology were involved as judges in evaluating 141 B2C websites semi-finalists in e-Oscar. Furthermore, to extract the possible CSF's, 12 award winning websites of e21 Golden Net Award Contest were also analyzed using the three-layered structure of EEE experience model. Results showed that web user's intention to stay, revisit as well as transact with a website were affected by various factors from experience creation, experience learning and experience securing. Furthermore, results from analyzing 12 award winning websites revealed that different website functions and managerial emphases are needed for different types of websites. The finding not only provides managerial guidance for website development, it also sheds lights on the understanding of this new, but explosive, economy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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