


Development and Evaluation of Sales Action Control Scale




鍾燕宜(Yen-Yi Chung);陳景元(Ching-Yuan Chen)


行動控制理論 ; 行動控制量表 ; 銷售行動控制量表 ; 業務員 ; Action Control Theory ; Action Control Scale ; Sales Action Control Scale ; Salespeople




15卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


197 - 223




業務員銷售情境複雜,頻遭客戶的拒絕挫敗、交易兩難的猶豫抉擇,以及短暫的成就歡愉,也因此業務員的流動率高居不下,且中外皆然。因此,瞭解業務員在面臨挫敗、猶疑及愉快事件後之意向結構為何,將有助於銷售工作行為表現之預測。行動控制理論指出當個體遭受成敗或兩難時,會影響個體的動機維持系統及執行工作的貫徹意向。Kuhl雖曾在1990年發展36題的「行動控制量表」(Action Control Scale, ACS),但此一量表的題項係以日常生活中發生猶疑不定或失敗題材為編撰依據,在愈多學者提議量表編製應考慮特定情境的呼籲下,本研究以衡量業務員在銷售工作情境時之行動控制取向為目的,發展一套適用於業務員之「銷售行動控制量表」(Sales Action Control Scale, SACS)。研究結果顯示,經由608位業務員五個階段的訪談、預試與評量,30題之SACS信度穩定,建構及效標關聯效度良好,評鑑優於ACS,不僅支持本研究以「銷售情境」做為行動控制取向衡量的主張,並可提供業務人員甄選與教育訓練之評量與應用。


Compared with other professions, salespeople have encountered more rejection frustration, hesitation, performance volatility. During the rejection situation, hesitation situation and volatility situations, the more we understand the intention orientations of salespeople, the more we can explore the individual difference accounted for behaviors differences observed. According to the Action Control Theory, action-state orientation, that facilitates or impairs performance following uncontrollable failure, is concerned with individual difference in the ability to initiate and maintain intentions. In 1990, Kuhl developed the Action Control Scale (ACS), but 36 items of this scale focused on hesitation or unpleasant experiences in daily life. Many researchers have suggested that psychological instruments should be developed for domain-specific situation. Sales Action Control Scale (SACS), developed by 30 items in the study, is a measure of salespeople's action-state orientation concerning sales events occurred. A total of 608 salespeople in Taiwan were used for interviewing, development and evaluation for the scale in five steps. Results indicated that reliabilities, the construct validity and most criterion-related validities are not only supported, the criterion validities of the SACS are also better than ACS. The usefulness of the scale is discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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