


The Impacts of Social Network on the Tendency to Turnover




羅家德(Jar-Der Luo);鄭孟育(Meng-Yu Cheng)


社會資本 ; 網絡結構位置 ; 離職意願 ; 特殊信任 ; 一般信任 ; Social Capital ; Social Network Position ; Tendency to Turnover ; Particularistic Trust ; General Trust




15卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


885 - 919






The purpose of this paper utilizes a social network approach to study the tendency to turnover. We test the embeddedness hypothesis that a person who holds a good position in organizational social networks tends not to turnover, since the good position provides abundant resources for him/her. In our SEM analysis of 177 samples in a Taiwanese high-tech factory in the Mainland China, this direct effect of social network structure on tendency to turnover can't be found, but an indirect effect via particularistic trust is significant. In other words, a person's good position in social networks renders him/her more chances to make friends and social exchanges, and thus create a large trust network for the position holder. Trust relations provide more cooperative opportunities and social supports, so negatively influences the willingness of the position holder to turnover.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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