
The Moderating Effects of Personal Stress Management on Job Stress, Adjustment, and Job Attitude: Taiwanese Expatriates






余明助(Ming-Chu Yu)


工作壓力 ; 派外適應 ; 壓力管理 ; 工作態度 ; Job stress ; Expatriate adjustment ; Stress management ; Job attitude




15卷4S期(2007 / 12 / 02)


11 - 37






This study examines the relationship between job stress, expatriate adjustment, job attitudes, and the moderating effects of personal stress management using empirical data taken from 148 Taiwanese expatriate managers. Moderated mu1tiple regression was used to analyze the data. The resu1ts revealed that expatriate job stress was negatively associated with job involvement and job satisfaction. However, resu1ts also showed expatriate adjustment was positively associated with job involvement and job satisfaction. Furthermore, mu1tiple regression analyses revealed that personal stress management was a moderator of expatriate job stress, expatriate adjustment, and job attitude relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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