


The Effect of Collaboration and Organizational Characteristics on Performance of Supply Chain Management




張心馨(Hsin-Hsin Chang);張淑昭(Su-Chao Chang);東惠瑛(Hui-Eng Tong)


供應鏈管理 ; 協同作業 ; 價值鏈體系 ; Supply Chain Management ; Collaboration ; Value Chain Net




16卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


9 - 49






In order to establish a superior co-competition system with the integration of supply chain resources, enterprises control business process, information sharing and collaboration to contribute in the network of supply chain management (SCM). Each enterprise in the network supply chain system comprises different of organizational culture, management style, collaboration mode and framework of IT. Hence, same strategy applies to different enterprises might lead to different performances. Therefore, this study aims to examine current business environment especially to test the factors of environment in SCM that would affect collaboration, and subsequently examines the moderating effect of organizational characteristics toward collaboration and performance of supply chain. The methodology of this study comprises both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative section is to determine variables by conducting case study; quantitative is to analyze the collected data by using questionnaire. In the case study, the author founds downstream prevailing enterprises in the supply chain often led the collaboration operation; the perfornance in the network members was highly related to how close they worked together. According to the quantitative analysis, in order to enhance the ability of market reaction and competitiveness, enterprises preferred flexibility in collaboration and it significantly had positive affect to the performance of SCM. The moderating effect of different organizational characteristics toward the collaboration and performance of SCM also showed statistically significant, but still lacked of self-discipline and consensus on collaboration. Furthermore, enterprises which particularly emphasized on human resource showed better performance of SCM.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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