


A Longitudinal Field Study of the Effects of Employees' Perceived Uncertainty, Perceived Restructuring Effect, Attitude toward Change on Their Work Attitude in the Early Stage of Organizational Restructuring: An Organizational Socialization Theory Perspective




林文政(Wen-Jen Lin);陳慧娟(Hui-Chuan Chen)


組織結構重整 ; 組織變革 ; 認知不確定性 ; 個人面對變革的態度與社會化 ; Organizational Restructuring ; Organizational Change ; Perceived Uncertainty ; Attitude toward Change ; and Organizational Socialization




17卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


295 - 337






The purpose of present study is to examine employee's perceptions in the early stage of organizational restructuring from a socialization view of point by using a longitudinal field data. This study examines (1) the impact of anticipatory work role and career uncertainties on employees' attitudes, (2) the impact of expectation gap of work role and career uncertainties on employees' attitudes, (3) the impact of restructuring effects on employee's attitudes, and (4) the moderating effects of attitude toward change on the relationship between work role/career uncertainties and employees' attitudes. Data were collected from 71 employees in a Taiwanese private commercial bank, who were affected by departmental restructuring. Data were collected in two waves, including two months before organizational restructuring and one month after organizational restructuring The conclusions of the study showed that at the stage of anticipatory socialization, employee perceived higher work role uncertainty had negative relationship with job satisfaction. Secondly, at the stage of encounter socialization, exceeded expectations of uncertainties had negative relationship with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Thirdly, employees perceived higher restructuring effects had positive relationship with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Finally, perceived higher personal attitude toward change significantly moderated the relationship between employee perceived uncertainty and outcomes of employee's attitude.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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