


Evolution and New Development of Studies on SMEs Cluster




符正平(Zheng-Ping Fu);常路(Lu Chang)


企業集群 ; 珠江三角洲 ; 生成機制 ; 合作 ; 創新 ; Enterprises Cluster ; Pearl River Delta Area ; Formation Mechanism ; Cooperation ; Innovation




17卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


397 - 418






The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) clusters have flourished over the past two decades in Mainland China. This paper analyses and summarizes the evolution and new development of studies on SMEs cluster firstly. Then we discuss the definition and characteristics of clusters, formative conditions and growing mechanism of cluster, cooperation and governance, knowledge spillover and innovation in cluster, globalization and cluster upgrading, illustrated with the developmental experience of SMEs clusters in the Pearl River Delta area of Guangdong province in detail.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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