


Social Capital and New Product Development Performance: The Mediation Effect of Knowledge Sharing Opportunity, Motivation and Capability




謝如梅(Ru-Mei Hsieh);方世杰(Shih-Chieh Fang);劉常勇(Chang-Yung Liu);蔡馥陞(Fu-Sheng Tsai)


社會資本 ; 知識分享 ; 新產品開發績效 ; social capital ; knowledge sharing ; new product development performance




17卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1001 - 1044




本研究從社會資本的角度,著眼於新產品開發情境下,總體互動、信任與共享認知,如何透過團隊知識分享機會、意願與能力的提昇,進而影響新產品開發績效。在實證研究方面,以天下1000大製造業為研究對象,採問卷調查法探討社會資本、知識分享與新產品開發績效之關聯性。由於過去相關實證研究,往往忽略特定社會資本因素對於特定知識分享內涵之差異化影響,且未能有效地建構出知識分享的衡量方式。經本研究實證結果發現:特定的社會資本因素對於知識分享確有不同的影響力,此部分可呼應Nahapiet & Ghoshal(1998)的論點,顯示社會資本的結構面、認知面、關係面,對於知識的結合與交換分別有不同的影響。此外,本研究更進一步著眼於探討新產品開發團隊情境下的知識分享內涵,將知識分享區分為機會、意願與能力,強調此三者在理論概念上應具有差異性,在實證結果上亦得到支持。最後就理論與實務意涵進行討論,並提出未來研究方向。


This paper explores the impact of social capital (overall interaction, trust, and shared cognition) on new product development (NPD) team's knowledge sharing (opportunity, motivation, and capability) and performance. By investigating the NPD teams in companies listed in Commonwealth 1000 manufacturer database. A questionnaire survey yielded 184 valid responses. Previous empirical studies on knowledge management neglected the relationships between specific variables of social capital and knowledge sharing. Multivariate analyses indicated that: (1) overall interaction and trust had positively impacts on knowledge sharing opportunity and motivation, while shared cognition had positive impact on sharing capability. These results are consistent with Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998)'s argument. (2) Opportunity, motivation and capability of knowledge sharing are separate dimensions, and they have different relationships with NPD performance. Finally, theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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