


A Study of the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intension in Financial Services Industry: Analysing the Effect of ProductKnowledge




鄭家宜(Chia-Yi Cheng)


經濟滿意 ; 社會滿意 ; 信任 ; 再購意願 ; 產品知識 ; Economic satisfaction ; Social satisfaction ; Trust ; Repurchase intention ; Product knowledge




18卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


325 - 372






Customer satisfaction and trust are recognized as main ingredients for relationship quality, and also gives a challenge for service organizations to maintain relationship with customers effectively. This study proposes and tests a model: economic satisfaction and social satisfaction are modeled antecedents to trust, which in turn is antecedent to repurchase intention. These relationships are then hypothesized to be moderated by high versus low customer knowledge groups, a moderation based on central versus peripheral processing. We argue that it exits a different mechanism in cultivating an effective relationship quality with a high-knowledge customer versus a low-knowledge customer.Applying two-steps structural equation modeling to analyzing the roles of product knowledge and trust, the result shows this research model is to be moderated by high versus low knowledge. It reveals the economic satisfaction impacts on trust for the high-knowledge group; the social satisfaction has an influence on trust for the low-knowledge group. Another important finding reveals the degree to which economic satisfaction and social satisfaction have influences on repurchase intention only with mediating role of customers' trust.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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