


Exploring the Impacts of Asymmetrical Barriers between Knowledge Replication and Knowledge Imitation on Sustainable Competitive Advantages: The Convenient Stores and Cafes Chain System as Examples




沈慶龍(Ching-Lung Shen);劉淑芬(Shu-Fen Liu)


複製與模仿 ; 不對等障礙 ; 持久性競爭優勢 ; Replication & Imitation ; Asymmetrical Barriers ; Sustainable Competitive Advantage




18卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


483 - 526






Knowledge has emerged as the most strategically significant resource and the source of competitive advantage of the firm. The replication of productive knowledge within the organizational boundary can leverage and exploit the rents it can earn. However, in order to speed up the effective replication, the knowledge may have to be transformed from a tacit into a more explicit form. By doing this, the knowledge will increase it's transparency and lower down the imitation barrier which will erode the sustainability of it's advantage. The high linkage relationship between replication and imitation has evoked a lot of research interest. However, what firms concern is under what situation in which the asymmetric transfer barriers exist.Based on the viewpoint of knowledge causal ambiguity, this study examined the source of asymmetric barriers between replication and imitation, and their effects on the sustainability of organizational competitive advantage. Compared with prior studies, this study incorporated three antecedents: Knowledge characteristics ambiguity, causal linkage ambiguity and knowledge context ambiguity as the major sources of ambiguity. To explore the critical relationships among ambiguities, asymmetric barriers and competitive advantage sustainability, this study executed two research designs: 1. deep interviews with top managers to generate the industry core knowledge list. 2. an empirical test with the retailing industry as the subjects and 295 respondent data were analyzed using LISREL.This study concluded that the paradox of replication and imitation mainly derived from knowledge characteristics ambiguity, particularly at the high and low level of ambiguity. This means that organization will gain the most advantage at the moderate level of ambiguity. However, the causal linkage and knowledge context ambiguity will positively influence the asymmetric barriers at all the situations of high, moderate and low level of ambiguity. Also, the asymmetric barriers will positively associate with the competitive advantage.This study argues that managers should take the major responsibilities to dispose their core knowledge and the future development of their vision. Therefore how to identify the drivers of asymmetric barrier between replication and imitation, and how to retain、enhance or rebuild these advantages become the most important strategic management issue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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