


The Relationship between Employee Affective Traits and Helping Coworker Behavior: The Moderating Role of Job Type




陳建丞(Chien-Cheng Chen);孫婉嫻(Wan-Hsien Sun)


正向情感特質 ; 負向情感特質 ; 幫助同事行為 ; 職務類型 ; Positive affectivity ; Negative affectivity ; Helping Coworker Behavior ; Job type




18卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1089 - 1113




在工作中,情感是影響工作態度重要的因素,也是一些工作行為重要的預測因子 (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996; Brief & Weiss, 2002)。過去研究發現員工的情感特質會影響員工所表現出來助人行為,本研究延伸過去的研究,探討員工正、負向情感與幫助同事行為間的關係,並檢視職務類型之干擾角色。本研究以15家不同公司中的191位員工為樣本,研究發現員工正向情感特質與幫助同事行為有顯著的正向關係,且當職務的團隊導向或內部服務導向愈高時,正向情感特質與幫助同事行為間的正向關係會愈強。


Past research suggest that affect is an important component of job attitudes and an important predictor of some job behaviors (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996; Brief & Weiss, 2002). This study extends previous research by investigating the relationships between positive and negative affectivity and employee helping coworker behavior, and examining the moderating roles of job type. Result from 191 employees of 15 firms partially supported our hypotheses and showed that positive affectivity was significantly positive related with helping coworker behavior. In addition, when the team orientation or internal-service orientation of job was high, the positive relationship between positive affectivity and helping coworker behavior became stronger.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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