


Organizing Marketplace: Organizational Routines as a Source for IT-enabled Innovation




蕭瑞麟(Ruey-Lin Hsiao);歐素華(Sue-Hwa Ou);陳蕙芬(Hui-Fen Chen)


組織例規 ; 組織作為 ; 電子競標系統 ; 市集營運 ; 質性研究 ; organizational routine ; organizing practices ; electronic auction ; market-making ; qualitative research




19卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


467 - 497




導入資訊科技時,企業多關切接受、導入、採納與應用等議題。但是,我們卻常常忽略,企業導入科技後,往往無法持續地被使用,也始終無法展現創新效益。如何才能使科技持久發揮效用,並促成組織創新成效?本研究調查電子競標系統如何創新企業中的尋購服務作業,促成有效的供應鏈管理。為深入了解科技的創新結果,我們由組織例規(organizational routines)著手,分析電子競標系統在尋購過程中的工作脈絡,以了解科技如何促發服務創新,並得以持續發揮效益。本研究發現,電子競標系統運作時,必須配合一套環環相扣的組織例規,方能持久有效的運作。組織例規內嵌著一套特定的組織作為(organizing practices),是㆒套市集營運的知識體系。這套知識體系,正是讓這項科技得以持久有效運用的根本原因。文中最後探討本案例對科技使用、組織例規以及電子市集文獻上的啟示,並點出資訊科技與組織創新的實務意涵。


Current literatures on information system and organization innovation emphasize more on how to accept, implement, and adopt technology. However, we know relatively little about why technology-enabled organizational innovation was mostly aborted before a technology reaches its full potential. To address this issue, this research conducts a field-based study and examines how an electronic auction system is used in a given working context. It particularly examines the organizational routine embedded in the technology. To examine organizational routine, this research analyzes work practices and illustrates various activities of market-making in electronic auction. Our findings report that, in the case, the organization routine contains a set of organizing practices. Behind such organizing practices, there are organizing principles illustrating a coherent system of market-making knowledge. The organizing practices offer an alternative way to understand how technology may be deployed effectively and organizational innovation may be sustained. The theoretical and practical implications of organizational routine are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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