


Adolescents' Comprehension Hierarchy of Fast Food Consumption: The Moderating Effects of Schema Knowledge and Involvement




劉宜芬(Yi-Fen Liu);凌儀玲(I-Ling Ling);鄭巽尹(Xun-Yi Zheng)


理解 ; 概念構圖 ; 涉入 ; 基模 ; comprehension ; concept mapping ; involvement ; schema




19卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


597 - 531






The purpose of this article is to explore how schema and involvement influence consumers' comprehension. Study 1 is a pilot study. The concept mapping method has been proven to be a useful measurement of schema knowledge about fast food consumption. Study 2 postulates a hierarchical relationship of comprehension and examines the moderating effects of schema knowledge and involvement. This research relies on hierarchical regression to explore the difference between the mediator and moderator variables. The results show that the concept mapping method is a valid measurement of the consumer's schema knowledge. The findings also reveal that adolescents comprehend more attributes than consequences, and more consequences than values, and the effect of attribute on value must be mediated by consequence. This demonstrates that comprehension of McDonald consumption is composed of the proposed ”attribute consequence value” hierarchy. On the other hand, schema knowledge is the moderator between attribute and consequence. Involvement is the moderator between consequence and value. Thus, schema knowledge influences comprehension of attribute and consequence to some extent because of the level of schema knowledge. Involvement influences the comprehension of consequence and value to some extent because the degree of involvement is different. The authors also discuss managerial implications and suggestions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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