


The Mass Media's Tenor of Business News Reporting and Companies' Media Relations Management: A Content Analysis of Business Magazines' News of TFT-LCD Panel Manufacturers




盧淵源(Iuan-Yuan Lu);蘇登呼(Teng-Hu Su);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang)


媒體關係管理 ; 企業聲望 ; 企業新聞報導傾向 ; 內容分析 ; TFT-LCD面板廠 ; Media relations management ; Corporate reputation ; Tenor of business news reporting ; Content analysis ; TFT-LCD panel manufacturer




19卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


801 - 832






The knowledge of mass media's tenor of business news reporting is important for the company's media relations management and reputation. Comparing with the knowledge from public relations practitioners or managers' personal experiences, systematic analysis of business news can provide more objective and reliable knowledge. This study used 'content analysis' to analyze news of Taiwan's TFT-LCD panel manufacturers from five representative business magazines in Taiwan. The results showed that business magazines gave larger TFT-LCD panel manufacturers more coverage, highlighted TFT-LCD panel manufacturers' economic performances and successes, and constructed a friendly information environment to TFT-LCD panel manufacturers, especially for their top managers. This study further analyzed the context of the tenor of news reporting and found IT industries-oriented business magazine' was more friendly to TFT-LCD panel manufacturers than 'general business magazine'. This study improves the knowledge gap left by previous studies. The findings are helpful for TFT-LCD panel manufacturers to improve their media relations management, and also meaningful for companies from different industries to understand more about the mass media's tenor of business news reporting.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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