


Ethical Decision for Gerontological Healthcare




盧龍泉(Long-Chuan Lu);林凌華(Ling-Hua Lin);林泰安(Tai-An Lin)


道德強度 ; 孝道責任 ; 道德決策 ; 老人安養 ; moral intensity ; filial obligation ; ethical decision ; elderly care




19卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


833 - 874






As the average life expectancy is lengthened, people will inevitably face the body's aging and chronic diseases, which not only bring substantial long-term nursing needs, but also highlight the importance of gerontological healthcare problems. Thus, the people face the question on whether to send their home or long-term care institute. Economic, emotion and social morality (filial piety) generate hesitation or struggle and create a dilemma between filial piety and ethics. This study uses three kinds of vignette and questionnaire as an assessment tool. The study subjects were people who were born between 1963 and 1973. At least one of their parents is living and they are married. A total of 450 questionnaires were issued with 312 valid responders (response rate of 89.4%). The multiple regression and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the hypotheses. The results show that demographic variables bring difference in ethical decision making process and that moral intensity has a significant direct effect on ethical decision making process. Additionally, the filial obligations have a moderating effect on the ethical decision making process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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