


Change or not Change? To Interpret the Process and Result of an Organizational Change through the Lens of Opposing Structuration: A Case of Implementation of Information Systems




劉勇志(Yung-Chih Liou)


資訊系統實施 ; 矛盾/對立 ; 結構化理論 ; 社會分析 ; 企業資源規劃 ; Information Systems Implementation ; Contradiction/Opposition ; Structuration Theory ; Social Analysis ; Enterprise Resources Planning




20卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


477 - 531




組織變革三部曲(解凍、改變和再結凍)的概念讓人容易捕捉它的隱喻意義,卻無法讓人瞭解它的真正內涵和轉變的機制。尤其遭遇變革阻礙時,變革推動者常無法瞭解問題的癥結。為瞭解組織變革過程和形成結果的本質,必須要有一種解釋性架構來洞察「變」和「不變」的道理。本研究融合Giddens的結構化理論(Structuration Theory)與辯證理論(Dialectical Theory)中的矛盾/對立觀點,提出一個整合性架構,用於解釋組織變革過程「為何」以及「如何」改變和發展。為了顯示本研究架構在經驗性研究方面的應用情況,本研究透過質性研究方法和此研究架構作為指引,對一個資訊豐富的ERP實施個案,進行資料收集與分析。根據本研究架構,找出行動者結構間、社會結構間、行動者與社會結構間的矛盾與對立,來理解行動者回應結構對行動者所產生的促進(enabling)與制約(constraint)力量,以及透過行動者的反思性監控進行結構的生產/再生產,進而闡述組織「為何」以及「如何」經歷了某一獨特的變革過程和其形塑出的結果。除此之外,本研究也闡述了此架構對學術界研究的啟發和對實務界的貢獻。


The concept of the three-stage model (unfreeze, change, and refreeze) of change in an organization is easy to grasp metaphorically, but it's hard to realize the real essence and its change mechanism. When encountering setbacks, the change facilitator is often unable to see the problems. To really understand the whole process of change and the essence contributing to its result, the study integrates the Structuration Theory by Giddens and contradiction/opposition logic of Dialectical Theory into a new interpretive framework to interpret how and why an organization changes or does not change.To illustrate the empirical application of this interpretive framework, the study conducts a qualitative research to collect and analyze the data from an information-rich ERP implementation case through the guidance of the framework. The research first identifies the associated social structures and the contradiction/opposition relationships among them, and then examins how the social agents in the case react to/against the enabling and constraining force stemming from the existing social structures. Finally, the study interprets how they undergo the production/reproduction of their new structures. Through the research, we can clearly comprehend how and why the case company experiences its particular change process. In the end, the study points out how academic researches can be inspired by the framework and what contribution can be made to practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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