


Share Collateralization by Directors and Corporate Governance




陳安琳(An-Lin Chen);高蘭芬(Lan-Feng Kao);陳怡凱(Yi-Kai Chen);陳烷鈺(Wan-Yu Chen)


董監事股權質押 ; 控制股東 ; 公司治理 ; Share Collateralization ; Controlling Shareholders ; Corporate Governance




21卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


299 - 337






This study explores how director share collateralization induces agency problems between the controlling shareholders and the minority shareholders. This study also examines if the effect of directors' real ownership defined as their nominal ownership subtracting their share collateralization on firm performance dominates that of nominal ownership for firms with high director share collateralization. Our empirical results show that director share collateralization exaggerates the deviation between cash flow rights and share controlling rights. Firm credit risk increases and supervisor independency decreases with director share collateralization. Finally, for firms with high director share collateralization, directors' real ownership instead of the nominal ownership is a suitable measure for the monitoring power from directors and supervisors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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