


Understanding Users' Continuance Intention of Facebook Fan Pages: The Social Capital Perspective




陳世智(Shih-Chih Chen);吳智鴻(Chih-Hung Wu);吳彥濬(Yen-Chun Jim Wu);陳靚(Jing Chen)


社會資本 ; 社會影響 ; 類社會互動 ; 持續使用意圖 ; Social Capital ; Social Influence ; Para-Social Interaction ; Continuance Intention




22卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


205 - 238






Do you click "Like" yet? Social networking service has become one of the commonly used websites for Internet users. This paper aims to develop an integrated model designed to predict and explain an individual's continuous usage intention of social networking service based on the concepts of social capital theory, social influence, and Para-social interaction. Online questionnaire was taken and in the end 230 samples were successfully collected. Partial Least Squares method is applied to examine the proposed research model. This study finds that social interaction ties, shared value and trust significantly influence continuance intention, while image, social identity and Para-social interaction simultaneously influence social interaction ties. However, the paths from subjective norm and perceived critical mass to social interaction ties are shown to be insignificant. Finally, implications and suggestions for academic researchers and social networking service providers are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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