


Summoning Resources from a Deep Sleep: Business Model Innovation underlying 'Lady First'




歐素華(Su-Hua Ou)


商業模式創新 ; 開放創新 ; 價值鏈 ; 資源交換 ; 價值創造 ; business model innovation ; open innovation ; resource exchange ; value creation ; value capture




23卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


225 - 267






Enterprises learn how to leverage outside resources to innovate their business models. However, most enterprises focus on the visible value of acquired resources but neglect the invisible potentials for innovative opportunities. This research examines how a fashion TV show, "Lady First", can summon resources for innovation by awakening "deep sleep" resources. This paper analyzes the resource exchange process and identifies three patterns of value awakening mechanism: wakening the invisible values, turning disadvantages into advantages, and effectuating one resource for multiple functions. Theoretically, this research enriches open innovation by deepening the resource exchange process through value awakening mechanism. This thesis on resource awakening also highlights the importance of resourceful applications instead of just emphasizes on rare, valuable, not imitable, not substitutable of physical resources. Thus, extending our understanding of resource-based view theory. Practically, this article suggests that enterprises in revenue crisis need to review the incumbent resources at first for potential applications. When firms learn how to awaken "deep sleep" resources, they can create new values, summon outside resources and seize new business opportunities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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