


Competitive Outsmarting: Knowledge Sharing Strategies among Rivals




蔡振昌(Chen-Chang Tsai);黃上娥(Sandra Huang)


知識分享 ; 吸收能力 ; 競爭優勢 ; 案例研究 ; 知識分享策略 ; Knowledge sharing ; Absorptive capacity ; Competitive advantages ; Case Study ; Knowledge-sharing strategy




23卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


57 - 90






The question of how to share knowledge with competitors while enhance competitive advantage is worthy of investigation. This study adopts the concept of absorptive capacity as a basis for analyzing the essence of knowledge sharing and the features of knowledge categories. We argue that knowledge sharing can be a strategic behavior. Competitors would judge disparity in absorptive capacity faced by both sides to select appropriate knowledge-sharing strategies. This study details why sharing knowledge with competitors while enhance competitive advantages. Eight case studies are examined to show how to judging disparity in absorptive capacity between competitors and using different characteristics of information and professional skills to select different approaches, such as secure, protective, and creative knowledge-sharing strategies. These strategies facilitate the sharing of knowledge with competitors while creating competitive advantage. Finally, we categorized strategic knowledge-sharing behavior model as a basis for examination of theoretical contributions and practical suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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