


The Logic of Relocation: The Evolving Business Models for Entering Emerging Markets




何明豐(Ming-Feng Ho);林博文(Bou-Wen Lin)


商業模式 ; 創新 ; 創業 ; 聯盟 ; 新興市場 ; business model ; innovation ; entrepreneurship ; alliance ; emerging markets




23卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


91 - 135






Drawing on the foreign entry and business model literature, this paper develops an alternative framework based on dynamic resources feedback for analyzing business model innovation process in emerging markets. This paper argues business model innovation in emerging markets begins with local alliance and resource from partners. This business model innovation is dynamic and path dependent, implying the dynamic business model innovation is shaped by organizational asset and capability that are evolved and accumulative in emerging markets over time. With the proposed framework in mind, the paper adopts a comparative case study methodology to analyze the business model innovation in two Taiwanese firms-Chia Jei Business Technology company and Flowring Technology corporation. This paper concludes by discussion implications for theory, practice and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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