


Exploring Corporate Latent Intangible Assets in Firms' and Customers' Perceived Values: The Application of Natural Language Processing




陳怡廷(Yi-Ting Chen)


潛在無形資產 ; 自然語言處理 ; 致股東報告書 ; 網路口碑 ; 文字探勘 ; Latent Intangible Assets ; Natural Language Processing ; Letter to Shareholders ; Online Word-of-Mouth ; Text Mining




24卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


565 - 608






In recent years, intangible assets have become a key factor in the creation of competitive advantages by enterprises. Nonfinancial information has become a crucial means to explore enterprises' intangible assets. Currently, quantitative approaches are typically adopted to evaluate and measure an enterprise's assets. However, this study sought to explore an enterprise's intangible assets by adopting qualitative methods, namely, by using first-hand information obtained from enterprise stakeholders, the enterprise's annual reports to shareholders, and consumers' online word-of-mouth. This study hoped to provide a new research method for the exploration of enterprises' asset values. To clearly understand the approach to and results of using nonfinancial information to explore intangible assets, HTC was adopted as a study case, and an analysis of its nonfinancial information during the period of high sales growth from 2009 to 2013was performed. By examining and comparing enterprise values and customer values, this study determined HTC's crucial assets that can be acquiring profits. Moreover, to understand the authenticity of the profit from asset values, this study investigated the relationship between asset value performance and product sales. The results showed that when the gap between the enterprise's and the customers' perceptions of asset values is small, asset values reflect an enterprise's operation performance and can serve as an approach for exploring and observing enterprise value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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