


Monthly Sales Announcements and Behavioral Bias




顧廣平(Kuang-Ping Ku)


月營收宣告 ; 資訊內涵 ; 過度反應 ; 代表性偏誤 ; Monthly Sales Announcements ; Information Content ; Overreaction ; Representativeness Bias




25卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


63 - 100






Representativeness bias can lead investors to incorrectly extrapolate existing trends and cause overreaction, which reverses at a later date once incorrect conclusions are proven false. This paper uses interactions between pre- and postmonthly sales announcements, to explore the existence of investors' representativeness bias in the Taiwan stock market. I find that the average return following a series of good sales news is significantly lower than the average return following a series of bad sales news, i.e. the significant price reversals. This evidence supports that a representativeness bias leads investors to overreact to sales news. In addition, the results indicate significant information content of unexpected sales.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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