


The Impact of Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention: The Moderating Effects of Social Transparency and Construal Level




耿慶瑞(Ching-Jui Keng);包倩華(Chien-Hua Pao);朱彥綺(Yen-Chi Chu)


品牌社群 ; 單純虛擬在場產品經驗 ; 社交透明度 ; 解釋層級 ; Brand Community ; Mere Presence ; Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience ; Social Transparency ; Construal Level




27卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


379 - 417




社群媒體的普及,使得線上品牌社群成為現今最熱門的平台,社群中的成員藉此得知產品資訊,進而影響購買行為。然而,消費環境中的社會影響不僅會發生在有互動的情況下,也會在無互動的情況下發生。本研究從社會影響理論出發,探討社交網站所形成之品牌社群虛擬產品經驗-單純虛擬在場產品經驗(Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience,MVPE)對品牌態度的影響,並以社交透明度與解釋層級為干擾變數,觀察不同的人格特質與社交透明度,是否會影響消費者的品牌態度及後續的購買行為。本研究結果發現:消費者為高解釋層級者,對於低社交透明度之單純虛擬在場(MVP)的品牌社群會獲得較佳的品牌態度;低解釋層級者對於高社交透明度之單純虛擬在場產品經驗(MVPE)的品牌社群會獲得較佳的品牌態度。


This study aimed to discuss two types of interpersonal virtual product experience - Mere Virtual Presence with Product Experience (MVPE) and Mere Virtual Presence (MVP) on advertising effects including brand attitude and purchase intention of online brand community, which moderated by social transparency and construal level. First, the study investigated the advertising effects of different MVPEs. Then, explore the advertising effects of MVPEs under the moderating effects of social transparency and construal level. The results show that: consumers of high construal level prefer low social transparency MVP and consumers of low construal level prefer high social transparency MVPE which have good brand attitude and purchase intention of online brand community as compared to others.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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