Because the result of Quality-management System (TTQS) assessment is often inconsistent among the TTQS professionals, who have different experiences and interpretations when using the TTQS assessment table, which damages the image of the TTQS team. To correct the gap of grading between the TTQS consultants and TTQS review committees, this study determined the capability of the TTQS consultants and review committees using the version of training organizations. According to the results of this study, it can be found that for the TTQS consultants and review committees, the scores of the same version of the assessment table had no difference among indicators 1, 4, 18, and 19. For the other indicators, the consistency between "speak, do, and write" and coherent procedures need to be reviewed more strictly when carrying out the assessment. According to the research divided by the Branch Service Center, 13 indicators were graded more loosely by consultants than review committees, and one indicator was graded more loosely by review committees than consultants. The study also found the consultants and the review committees have a cognitive gap in 19 indicators due to different service regions.
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