


Impacts of Institutional Logics and Social Capital of Private Universities on the Performance of Academia-industry Collaborations




詹淑婷(Shu-Ting Chan);葉匡時(Kuang S. Yeh);鍾喜梅(Hsi-Mei Chung)


私立大學 ; 產學合作績效 ; 制度理論 ; 制度邏輯觀點 ; 社會資本 ; Private University ; Performance of Academia-Industry Collaboration ; Institutional Theory ; Institutional Logics Perspective ; Social Capital




29卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


103 - 150






Private universities in Taiwan compete to seize the legitimacy as well as the resources in the highly competitive and regulative education environment. Government rules and professional norms provide the possible sources of isomorphism on universities; however, the indigenous institutional logics of private universities will demonstrate the heterogeneities on their strategic choices. Private universities in Taiwan can be classified into two types: those controlled by family or family business groups and those founded by religious organizations. Given that these universities guild by two different institutional logics, i.e., family logic and religion logic, this research argues that the different private universities that guild by the distinctive institutional logics will possibly have specific strategies choices even in a highly regulated and competitive education environment. This research employs institutional logics perspective and social capital theory to address the performance of academia-industry collaborations (AIC) and are interested to know how the indigenous institutional logics in each private university may co-act with university's social capital and thereby influences its inclination and strategic choices on AIC. The family-controlled private universities prefer to utilize the social capital of President and heterogeneity of the Board of Directors as resources. However, the religion-founded private universities prefer to obtain resources through the social ties among their founding organizations. This research utilizes the longitudinal data of private universities in Taiwan from 2003 to 2013. The evidence of this research contributes to the issues that addressing the organizational strategic choices from institutional logics and social capital viewpoint in a highly regulative environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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